strange. they are talking about what?! Are min writing those words or not. the lines that refer to only one, or Hangeng Xiah. Cass is also a friend and elf ...
really, for them, what is even more important than the lee sungmin?!
they really were trending # casselfone
and Cass, they wrote to 300 min on a page bashing cy, they send a mess to Eeteuk and Eunhyuk sukira although did not say anything.
not these words in order to Xiah twt u-know why? they are interested in SJ JYJ think about than the u-know how to feel after these words.
they really call it love stars??!
an ELF you have said, if a person makes JYJ lee sungmin as to say those words, they need to see her.
if the right to speak out his thoughts, why can not lee sungmin?
that really, I do not care what SM relevant here, because an important j lee sungmin to speak out or dry it , ng, but he thinks so or not.
have a story like this, the most difficult period of the lee sungmin is when DBSK Xiah into three groups of people and split. At that time, he gave up his dream and return home. all three were tried together, and promised to be released. you What would feel when a guy has to do with me all the things that made her famous also still nothing ? ?! therefore, more than anyone, lee sungmin SM knows what has to Xiah Junsu.
JYJ and DBSK are irrelevant to him, but he still has the right to tell me about it.
lee sungmin is a very strong person. he will not because a number of words of nonsense bashing you to death. But the harsh words that will make you, and Idol lost all its value in the eyes of others.
Then one day, you will definitely love ashamed of yourself cheap.
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