Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Congratulatory Words For A New Baby Arrival

[fanfic] Rainbow love 43

43. Tackey

touch nhẹ bàn tay lên màn hình cảm ứng, cánh cửa nhẹ nhàng bật mở. Anh đưa tay đẩy cửa, bước vào. Trong phòng khách không có ai. Anh nhẹ nhàng đẩy vali bước ngang qua phòng khách rồi đi vào phòng ngủ. Vẫn không có ai. Anh đặt vali xuống, ngạc nhiên nhìn quanh. Căn phòng not a decent bit of change like this before so it's capital. The only thing that changes little by little Nagasawa was washed into my life, like a gentle breeze way through the rugged mountain rocks. Yes, he is also her mountain wind. Both human cold, he's closed, only the cool wind that can blow in her.

himself ever did, he felt love pictures pretty girls lounging about the door waiting for him. Do not know how long she had waited, found only at nhoen what she smiled, he took the bag and said "I was on."

"I was on." How long has he not heard the seemingly simple thing. Become artists, the fans, it seems like the whole world fits in my hand, but there are things like the moon hung clear clear dark sky, wondering if is very close, just touching the touch, but forever is not catching it. There are things I think do not belong to him. "Are you okay", "British was about. "

If she is asked by a worried voice, "Are you okay," they ran his icy heart, the "British ; on "as a wonder drug dose tightly couple's relationship. Childhood, in his his clear eyes, he saw a neighbor's house still greet each other like that. His family is no exception. When the father of mother to pick up, an application already spoke, "I was on." Then they looked at each other, smiling. He was such cravings, which she treated as the father, with Akanishi. He eagerly runs home, made it clear to "new child", but never responded to his mother. I'll always be facing the back plate back wrong. Much later, he realized questions welcome members of the family not for me, painful to discover that his dry ; ng is for treated like others in the house. Every school, he always bowed himself opened the door, mouth softly whispered, "I had on," but the woman, only to wash the dishes, dry ng rate nostalgic to me. Times, too, his lips pursed take steps heavy in my room, but walk fifty steps, he heard footsteps of Akanishi travel bag from the front yard running into, say coo "New Con on ", and then, hours of condensate on, the young woman back to smiling, gentle steps toward Akanishi, remove the yellow hat on the head it down, elongated hands, wiping the sweat it flat on the cheek, and tenderness said, "I had to." Like a hundred times. Toes up on the floor of Tackey spleen, and eyes are red hoe. But he did not cry. He also never asked "why", because he knew could not get answers.

"I was on." Tackey look back. Masami her face behind the fence is painted white, her cheeks always red because of strong sunshine, looking at me with a bunch of birds mouth. It was the first to welcome him, and he thought, was the only one. After he dropped out to Tokyo to live alone, apparently no one to welcome him like that anymore. The situation quickly to rapidly away, when the girl also step behind him, who never told him and waiting for that joy again. He has

watch a movie in which the main character only solitary alone, each time pushing the door into the house are big shout "Go then nè." She told friends, because only living alone, families are feeling cravings, when work on the say so, she may believe family still around. He laughs softly, smiling a little bitter, because ultimately, no one answered the girl. He, too, despite hundreds of times saying "Go then nè", does anyone replied. Which in his mind, really did not expect anyone to respond.


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